We are a 3M Preferred Graphics and Wraps shop with the passion and will to bring perfection to the Tampa area. Graphics and wraps have come a long way since the industrial transition from painting to vinyl for surface coverage. We have been involved in this development since air-egress technologies were created.
We have spent over a decade learning every detail of every step of vinyl manufacturing to step up and raise the industry’s standards from “These things happen” to “The buck stops here”. We are tired of watching people getting sold a product from a salesperson that doesn’t even know what product they are selling, so PGW was created with no funding and no clients. We have grown quickly, and will continue to grow as businesses and personal vehicles continue to turn away from cheap marketing companies.
The only burn we expect our clients to feel is the impression we leave on their spirits as they step out into the world with the confidence knowing we are with them as a vested interest in their success. Networking is only difficult with subpar products, so we let our work speak for itself and our clients.
Owner, Veteran, 3M Certified Installer and Father. As a 12-year graphic installer/wrapper, he was tired of watching shortcutting owners cheat customers out of their products.
He started a company with no safety net believing that bringing quality and value to graphic and wrap services will provide success to his family.
He served his country along the “Polish border” from 2019-2020 and brings the core values that were bestowed upon him to his own endeavors and to Premier Graphics and Wraps.
His relentless dedication can be felt in every project.
“I make car wraps for the American working man because that’s who I am and that’s who I care about.” – Zalinsky Auto (guess that movie) – He insisted on this quote